- 고영삼 / Young Sam Go
- 2005.03 ~ 2014.02 (박사논문연구)
2014.03 ~ 2015.12 (박사후연구)
박사논문: Funtional Analysis of Marneral Systhase and Dark Response Factor1 in Arabidopssis Lipid Metabolism
농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원
중부작물부 중부작물과/ 연구사
E-mail. ysgo@kaeri.re.kr
- 이샛별 / Saet Buyl Lee
- 2005.09 ~2015.08 (박사논문연구)
박사논문: Role of MYB94 and MYB96 in cuticular wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana and functonal application of MYB96 in Camelina sativa
한국생명공학연구원 생물자원센터/ 박사후 연구원
E-mail. vitalquf@hanmail.net
- 김려진 / Kim Ryeo Jin
- 2011.03 ~ 2017.02 (박사논문 연구)
박사논문: Molecular and Biochemical Characterizations of Monoacylglycerol Lipase Gene Family in Arabidopsis thaliana
이학 박사
서강대학교 식물분자생리생화학 연구실/ Post-Doc
- 김효진 / Kim Hyojin
- 2010.03 ~ 2012.02 (석사논문 연구)
2012.03 ~ 2018.08 (박사논문 연구)
석사논문: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored lipid transfer protein 1 (LTPG1) and LTPG2 synergistically function in accumulation of cuticular wax in Arabidopsis
박사논문: Role of DEWAX2 AP2/ERF transcription factor and SAGL1 E3 ubiquitin ligase in the regulation of cuticular wax biosynthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana
서강대학교 식물분자생리생화학 연구실/ Post-Doc
- 조희경 / HuiKyong Cho
- 2003. Dongguk University, Korea, B.S. in Biology
2006. Dongguk University, Korea, M.S. in Plant Physiology
2014. Yonsei University, Korea, Ph.D. in System biology