서미정 / Suh, Mi Chung
서강대학교 생명과학과 교수국외 활동
국내 활동
생명유기화학 (Organic and Biological Chemistry), 학부 강의
식물유전공학 (Plant Genetic Engineering), 학부 강의
식물대사학 (Plant Metabolism), 대학원 강의
식물과학세미나 (Plant Sciences Seminars), 대학원 강의
I. Cuticle Biognensis
1) How do early land plants develop cuticle layer during the evolution of land plants from aquatic to terrestrial environments?II. Regulation of Cuticular Wax Biognensis
1) What is the molecular network underlying the regulation of cuticular wax biosynthesis in response to environmental changes?III. Regulation of Suberin Biosynthesis
1) How do plant roots and seed coats export suberin monomers?IV. Control of Metabolic Flux between Intercellular and Extracellualr Lipids Biognensis
1) How metabolites modulate metabolic flux between intracellular and extracellular lipid biosynthesis?